
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

{We now interrupt the regularly scheduled programming for an important announcement.}

Gee Erin...You're Terrific!

And I'm sending you some love and a big hug today. You are a roommate extraordinaire, fabulous cousin, great wife, a person whose opinion I want in a Target dressing room, a talented artist, an excellent companion for Sunday afternoon naps with Project Runway or Friday all night parties (or weekday all nighters studying) and so much more.

I know you've got a big test today...but I also know you are going to do great!

If, however, you need some encouragement, I advise channeling Doris. {This is actually good advice for anyone facing a big test, or stressful situation...or just for everyday. Doris is fabulous.}

On such a stress filled day, you might want to just stay in bed.
You may feel a little ill with so much attention focused on you,
but you have exciting plans ahead of you:
Dress up and kick that test in the rump.
Although, I'd actually recommend something more like this:
Test Day

Test Day by e.cordes featuring drop earrings

Comfortable, cute jersey dress; sweater and scarf (warm and stylish); comfortable ballet flats; tights to keep you warm in the Chicago wind; a professional bag for all your important test papers (and snacks); and, of course, a cute pair of underwear.

But whatever you wear, you'll be fabulous.

Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth you make my heart happy! Thank you so much for this! I read it on my phone before my test yesterday (it wouldn't let me comment) but it made me smile. Thank you so much for all the love and support!!!!! You are the best friend a girl could ask for! :-) Love you!!!!

    p.s. can we please watch some Doris when we are together next? It has been far too long...

    p.p.s. I want to own that dress in that bottom pic! so cute!
