
Monday, November 1, 2010

Zetus lupetus!

I've been watching childhood movies on YouTube this weekend, and I've discovered a new role model for my life: Zenon Carr

I want to incorporate so many parts of her life into mine:

1. When she wants something or knows she's right, she goes for it. Win contest to dance with hott boy band- Check; Kiss the boy from Everwood- Check; Save the space station-Check. No indecision for this girl. Maybe it's something to do with living with less gravity for most of her life...

2. Check out those clothes. My born-in-the-80's self fully appreciates the color scheme. 

3.  She's very loyal to her best friend. 

4. Her space station? It has skype-like technology (And this was back when cell-phones were exciting.)

5. She has the coolest catch phrase EVER: "Zetus lupetus!"


  1. lol, I'm sure we can create you an outfit like that...

  2. I use to love this movie! I'm going to have to watch it over the weekend! :)

  3. lol! i should rewatch this too. can we please try living in reduced gravity so we can be more decisive too??? i am, however, not so in favor of the outfit...
