
Monday, November 15, 2010

This Week, in Review

Things have been a little quiet around here for a few days.  I've been away from my dear Mac and unable to post.

Update commencing now: I worked on Tuesday, which went really well. I got to assist in a few classes, then run some groups all by myself. My schedule is more organized now. C'est excellent.
However, I also worked with one teacher who couldn't understand my accent at all. Our conversations went like this:
Me: "I live in Elbeuf."
Teacher: "You what?"
Me: ""
Teacher: Confused look
Me: "In Elbeuf. My apartment is in Elbeuf."
Teacher: "Oh you live in Elbeuf."
Sigh. Every time I think I'm making great leaps in my speaking ability, something like this happens.

In other news, I also got to bake this week.  It's something I rarely did in the States, except for special occasions. However, right now various factors (small oven, lack of necessary supplies) make baking difficult . This, of course, makes me want to bake more.

This week, Thursday was un jour férié for Armistice Day. This meant no school, so I was free to attend a youth conference in Paris with my church.  It also meant no buses, which was going to make it hard to get to Rouen Thursday morning. So I spent the night with Jean, a young American missionary from my church. We had made plans for me to stay over Thursday night so we could do some scrapbooking, so she kindly let me extend my stay.

It was excellent. I really enjoyed spending time with her, plus she fed me delicious food and showed me the only fabric store in Rouen. She's been here over two years, so she has a fully stocked kitchen. Vanilla, molasses, spatulas, a kitchen timer, and more; it was a beautiful thing.  We made sugar cookies and molasses crinkles. Yum! 

The youth conference in Paris was interesting. A little difficult (because it was on the subject of Evolution and Creation, which usually involves science words that I don't understand in English, much less in French) but interesting. 

I also got to have dinner Friday at my pastor's house, and Saturday night some friends made Tarte Flambee and had a little dinner party. Then Sunday after church les Americaines were invited to one of the college student's apartment for lunch. We had a great time: pizza, chicken, potatoes, rice, fish, ice cream, Uno complete with head-smacking, and people laughing (kindly, I think) at my French. 

It was a good week-end, but I'm glad to be back at my apartment. Time to relax and wash all the dishes I left in my sink.

I miss you all!

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